Friday, September 30, 2011

Fungsi dan Manfaat Magnesium bagi Kesehatan

Nikmawatisusanti Yusuf

Abstracts: Magnesium (Mg) was macromineral in the form of positively charged ions (cations). That was widespread in soil and utilized by plants, thus becoming one of the main components in chlorophyll, which are crucial to the process of photosynthesis. In the body, Mg mostly distributed in the bones, muscles and soft tissue. Its role in biochemical reactions associated with energy metabolism and protein synthesis in the
body. Biologically, magnesium beneficial in maintaining muscle function and nerve system, keeping the heart rhythm, keeping the immune system, strong bones, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and stabilize blood
pressure. This caused concern Mg in the prevention and treatment of disease eg hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. In connection with the used of Mg for the medical, issue that remains controversial was
hipomagnesemia relationship with tumor growth.
Keywords : Macromineral, magnesium, metabolism, functions

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