Sunday, September 30, 2012

Analisis Kekayaan dan Keanekaragaman Spesies Pohon pada Agroforestri Ilengi; Studi Kasus di Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Gorontalo

Abdul Samad Hiola , Bachtiar , dan Aditya Warman Husain

Abstract: Agroforestry is a land management system that can be offered to overcome the problems that arise due to over-land above and also to overcome the food problem. issues examined in this study is the diversity and richness of tree species in various types of agroforestry ilengi. The method used to visit the relevant department or agency the scope of agriculture and forestry, local government, village offices, identification of plant species along the transect the community, interviews, transect plant species identification with the community and interviews with key informants. Analysis conducted an important value, tree species diversity index (H ') and tree species richness index (Z). The results showed the number of tree species in agroforestry types south of the village ilengi Dulamayo 61 species from six different types of grooves and agroforestry plots ilengi natural forests. Total value of the index is important for the type of the highest ilengi agroforestry plant species found in coconut 41.53%. Density on the type of agroforestry ilengi is 245 trees per hectare, the frequency of 6.24 and 16.95 m2/ha domination. The number of tree species diversity and richness in the type of agroforestry ilengi highest diversity index was found in the index palm sugar species richness ilengi 2.36and the highest tree species found in the type of wood ilengi 0.81while the highest tree species richness was found in the palm ilengi
Keywords: Ilengi agroforestry, Species diversity, Species richness

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