Thursday, April 10, 2008

Implementasi Program Pengarusutamaan Gender dalam Pembangunan Kehutanan (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Bogor Provinsi Jawa Barat)

Wawan. K. Tolinggi

Abstract: Gender Mainstreaming as a strategy to integrate experience, problem,
aspiration and requirement of male and female into development management
process which was started from designing and implementating processes to
monitoring and development action evaluating processes was an effort to create
Gender Equality and Balance in every life aspect. Gender Mainstreaming was an
approach to develop the policy which added male and female’s experiences and
problems into the policy and program’s preparation, implementation,
observation, and evaluation in every development field. The aims of this
research were to describe the implementation of gender mainstreaming program
in Forestry Field that gender responsive and to identify the implementation
problems of gender mainstreaming program in Forestry Field at Regency
Forestry Service and people at the forest area which were the target of this
research. The research method which was used was case study with approach of
survey research design for data collecting from Forestry Service of Bogor
Regency’s employee and people of forest area that was located in Palasari
village Bogor regency. Data analysis were using GAP (Gender Analysis
Pathway) and descriptive qualitative. The result of this research described that
the implementation of Vision, Mision, and Target of Forestry development in
Forestry Service of Kabupaten Bogor which were contained in Strategic Plan
2005-2009 still had not used gender sorted data or had not reflected gender
responsive plan. The Vision of Forestry development showed that forestry
policy formulation was still in general and underlining the physical
development. Whereas the Aim of Forestry development which had been
formulated in the Regency of study location was likely tipicaly gender neutral.
While Gender implementation on people in forest area in Palasari village,
overall, work division which was done by people in forest area was still based
on the image of male and female role and responsibility appropriate with the
custom followed by local community: Female was dominant in carrying ot the
domestic work and male in public work (productive and social works). Whereas
in the female access and control in forestry program which were done by
Forestry Service as well as Non Government Organization showed that the
female access and control in that program were extant although it were not
Keywords : Gender Mainstreaming, Forestry Development

Full Text

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